Title 1

Part A

Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is supplemental funding to support high poverty schools in providing opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills in the State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards that all student must meet. These funds are supplement to the local education funds that all 91探花 schools receive.

In addition to instruction, funds are provided at the district and campus levels to assist parents in becoming partners in their children's education. NISD Family Engagement Program and NISD Even Start Family Literacy Program coordinates with campuses to provide a variety of opportunities that support parent and family engagement.



91探花 ISD is required to serve students who would be eligible for Title I services in the public school, but are attending non-public schools. The Education Service Center Region 20 oversees the educational services for eligible students in non-public schools, as well as professional development for the staff. Educational services include tutoring for any student meeting criteria for remediation in reading and/or math. Services also include parent and family engagement activities.

Part聽C (Migrant聽Education)

The purpose of the Migrant Education Program is to reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves. This program assists eligible students by providing opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills in the State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards that all student must meet. 91探花 ISD participates in a shared service arrangement with Education Service Center Region 20 to provide migrant services to qualified students and families.

Title 1 Campuses

Elementary schools

  • Adams Hill
  • Allen
  • Boone
  • Brauchle
  • Burke
  • Cable
  • Carlos Coon
  • Carnahan
  • Cody
  • Colonies North
  • Driggers
  • Esparza
  • Fernandez
  • Fisher
  • Glass
  • Glenn
  • Glenoaks
  • Hatchett
  • Howsman
  • Knowlton
  • Leon Valley
  • Linton
  • Martin
  • Mary Hull
  • McDermott
  • Mead
  • Meadow Village
  • Michael
  • Murnin
  • Myers
  • Northwest Crossing
  • Oak Hills Terrace
  • Passmore
  • Powell
  • Rhodes
  • Timberwilde
  • Valley Hi
  • Villarreal
  • Westwood Terrace

Middle Schools

  • Hobby
  • Jones
  • Neff
  • Pease
  • Rayburn
  • Ross
  • Rudder

High Schools

  • Holmes
  • Jay